We played the Detroit Tigers, Vargas was on the mound again. I thought he did a pretty good job, it was just his defense failing him again as we literally threw the ball away. The Tigers scored six runs in the seventh off a couple of "wild pitches" and just plain bad pitching by Lueke and Ray. Milton Bradley had a good game (batting wise, he had a huge error) going 2-3 with two walks, a homer, and 2 rbi. He put us up 2-1 in the third and then in the sixth he had a huge error that let the Tigers score the tying run. The next inning our bullpen fell apart. Smoak launched a solo homer in the 8th. And while that was the only thing he did hitting wise, I'm still liking what I am seeing and he has been our most consistent everyday player. Final score, 8-3.
One thing of note, the annoying Tigers pitcher in the 9th, Valverde, who had a very methodical way he went about things... his routine is ridiculous and when he struck out Bradley he was very demonstrative while he bowed. Yes, he bowed. To God, to himself... I don't know. But it was very unsportsmanlike and I can only imagine how insulted Bradley felt. According to my twitter feed he was pacing back and forth in the dugout giving him a staredown.
Stayed the whole game... I'm never leaving again! It was a very long game, over three and a half hours, and even though we lost there were several highlights. In the first inning, we had a Safeco Field first. The first ball to hit the extended roof (that's what they call it instead of closed)! They started closing the roof before the game because we got a few sprinkles. Anyway, that had never happened before, and it dropped in foul territory between Figgins and Olivo. I didn't see it hit, but I watched it go up, heard the reaction of the crowd, and watched it fall.
Another highlight, we saw somebody get escorted out of the game in the 9th inning. A dude a few rows in front of us and his buddies had been trying all game to get on TV with some signs they had made. Eventually with the sparse crowd they moved to a different section and I guess they got a little too close to the camera operators. Security told them to back off and a bird was flipped. A few minutes later they were escorted out. A kid behind said something, don't remember exact words, like "they don't censor in soccer!". Oh kid, you will soon learn that at Safeco they care more about being family friendly than fan friendly. Anyway, that's the first ejection of the year.

Then we were off to find my sister dinner. We headed to the healthy option behind home plate where I knew they had garden burgers. Guess what, they took them off the menu tonight. Are you kidding me? Who wants a veggie dog, those are gross! So then we walked a little more and found some new food choices this year... the have "potato fries" on a stick and buffalo tenders/wings. She didn't want fries. She ended up settling on a veggie roll at the sushi place for $9. I never realized that they had veggie sushi, wondering if this is a new thing the last couple of years. I had a few... and it was decent! I now know this is an option for me. This is also where they moved the teriyaki choice that used to be in the Bullpen Market. I was still hungry so we headed back to The Pen to share a dessert crepe. We went back and forth on the strawberry or banana one... and finally settled on the banana w/nutella. I'd never had nutella before so was excited to see what it was like. We waiting a couple of minutes as they made it fresh! It was okay... the nutella was too similar to chocolate for me and it got pretty messy in the end. For $6.50 it was a decent price for a ballpark dessert. I will give the strawberry one a shot at some point.

In other news, Guti still isn't okay and they are sending him to the Mayo Clinic. I'm starting to think it is psychological and hope it is nothing too serious. We really need him back, Langerhans let a ball drop that Guti probably would have gotten to. There have been many of those plays already this year.
I'm glad we stayed 'til the end, you never know what is going to happen and we got to see the Smoak homer and the ejection of the fan. There is always something to take away from every game, no matter how frustrating they can be. The Mariners are bad, really bad, but we have a few bright spots and you can always see history on any given day... like we did tonight. The first time a ball hit the roof! The second lowest attendance ever!
Most of the fans left in the disaster of the sixth inning... there was a giveaway tonight with bags of dirt made from compostable items from Safeco last year. When we left, there were still 3 remaining, and they only had 5000 total to give. I didn't get a foul ball, but I have my very own bag of Safeco garbage. Yee haw!
My record is now 2-3. The Mariners fell to 5-12 overall.
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